how to be fit and healthy lifestyle

 Staying fit and healthy 

We all know that leading a healthy,lifestyle is important, but it can be,hard to know where to begin. Even small,changes can make a difference and Age UK,is here to help. Let's start with eating:,it's important to get a balanced diet,,and that means eating a variety of,different types of food. This guide shows,you the types of food you should be,eating, and in what proportions. Fruit,,vegetables and cereals should make up,the biggest part of your diet, but this,doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the,occasional treat. It's not good to be,overweight or underweight. If you're,concerned, speak to your GP. Everyone can,benefit from staying active and every,little bit of exercise helps. For example,,how about getting off the bus a stop,earlier, or choosing a parking space,further away from the shops? Finding,something you enjoy means you're more,likely to do it regularly. Speak to your,local Age UK to find out what exercise,classes they run or to help you find an,activity that suits you. Staying active,will help maintain a healthy weight,,improve your mood and help build,strength, balance and stamina which in,turn will reduce your risk of falling,and help you get a better night's sleep.,Set yourself achievable goals and build,up gradually and remember to speak to,your GP before increasing your activity,levels significantly.

some courses that make you fit:

course 1

course 2
course 3 
